"Jewelry and Colors: Beyond Precious Stones

Stones have served humanity in developing countless artifacts, from tools to construction materials. Technological advancements in history have been greatly influenced by the relationship humans have forged with these minerals. However, within this extensive family, undoubtedly, crystals and gemstones have been the most captivating discoveries due to their striking shapes and beautiful colors. For many cultures, gemstones and crystals have been representations of their deities on Earth, and over time, they have been attributed with energetic and healing properties, transforming into protective amulets of power.

Crystals such as agate, amethyst, tourmaline, citrine, or precious stones like jade, emerald, and diamond have played leading roles in the creation of jewelry pieces. By becoming amulets and symbols of power for those who wear them, these minerals have seamlessly adapted to necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, and even crowns and scepters. Over time, due to the difficulty of obtaining them and their high market cost, the potential of these stones has found a special place in their diverse array of colors.

In the field of astrology, for example, the colors of stones are associated with different planets and zodiac signs, and in the psychology of color, according to Gestalt principles, they are linked to various emotions. Some of the colors that have found their place in modern jewelry are red, blue, and green.

Red, originating from the ruby, symbolizes royalty, power, and passion. Its deep red color was associated with the planet Mars, and in some cultures, it was believed to have the potential to heal mental disorders.

Blue, originating from sapphire, symbolizes the blue of the sky and heavenly virtues: truth, contemplation, and chastity. Some ancient alchemists believed in its ability to heal venomous animal bites.

Green, represented by emerald, symbolizes fertility and rain. Alchemists associated this color with the planet Jupiter.

On the other hand, transparent or whitish stones, being the synthesis of all colors and represented by the diamond as the hardest of all elements, are associated with permanence and incorruptibility. For some cultures, it represents light and the sun, and in certain Christian texts, it is associated with the figure of Jesus Christ.

Thus, jewelry, more than just a collection of ornaments and accessories, can become small amulets that we can carry everywhere, day and night, and also serve as a beautiful reminder of the power of nature and the colors that compose it."

Ana Karina Romero Ulloa
Artista, ilustradora y narradora colombiana. Teatrera y aprendiz de charango
Instagram: @el_hermoseador

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